Three Winds: News

Three Winds' News

June 2004

• Translated and redesigned the English language version of the IC Lando Inc., a Japanese semiconductor Company, website.

March 2004

• is relaunched to reflect a new inventory and a revamped ordering system including taking credit card information.

December 2003 is is updated. Due to a change in location Kamm Investment has changed the information on its site.

August 2003 is is launched. This site is the first online presence of a foreign owned factory in Vietnam.

July 2003 has been redesigned and relaunched. The new site features Green Tree's new emphasis on lighting and high quality paver solutions.

June 2003

• launches. Indochina Art brings you high quality artwork from the masters in the Indochina area. Artwork includes paintings, silkscreanings, ceramics and lacquerware. Every month new artwork will be added to the biddings.

April 2006

Orange@Vision, a Japanese clothing importer and design company, website is updated. Changes include graphics and text.

November 2005

Earth's Earth's Other Moon, a science segment producted for ScienCentral News , airs in various markets in the US on the ABC network containing animation created by Three Winds.

March 2005

• Three Winds begins construction on the website. This site is intended to provide services and information to Japanese interior designers and architects. The estimated date of launch is September 2005.

September 2004

• English flashcards for English as a Second Language education. Three Winds designed and illustrated 404 flashcards designed to stimulate learning with themes.

July 2004

The Anchoragenche is launched. The Anchorage is a quality dealer of nautical antiques focusing on shipping from the Great Lakes region.



© Three Winds Claw and Fist Productions -
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